Thursday, 20 November 2008

Proof of Existence

Is it possible to occupy oneself with everyone and everything else except him/herself?
It's not like there's no space for him/herself. But it's more like......
The one person... is willing to give space only to others. Just not to him/herself.
Because he/she doesn't know and doesn't want to know about the truth about him/herself at all.
Does such an individual exist? Is there a way to prove his/her existence then?

(i'm thinking of spies... tee heex)

1 comment:

jim said...

How many people can you find that are that unselfish?

most I know think of theirselves first unless you consider mothers who are in the habit of thinking of others needs before their own.

Rene Decartes used word games to try and find evidence of existence.

Philosophers confused the issue by starting the trend of talking about the problems instead of trying to help solve things.