HAHA! Ok, it's the thought that counts...went to Jack's Place (West Coast Recreation Centre) for dinner with Rena, Jin Ling and Marie yesterday and ate so much till I was unpleasantly bloated.
Rena and Co. gave me a 3000-yen worth of ang pow money (in tha red envelope). Rena also wrote me a nice letter on Japanese calligraphy paper, and folded it nicely into card size, makes it easy for me to bring it over to Japan with me. lol.

And one disgusting thing!! MARIE ZHENG GAVE ME MR HAPPY!!! @_@ OK! This Mr Happy was forced on Rena's journey to New Zealand, and god knows what Marie did to Mr Happy before it even went to New Zealand... eeeeew! Ok. This Mr Happy would have travelled to New Zealand and Japan in time to come. But, heyz, i'm not returning Mr Happy to you any time soon, Marie! It'll have to bear rain or shine with me in Japan for at least 3 years. Accompanying Mr Happy is also a letter written by Marie (on yellow paper). Since the letter also fits into the "ang pow", i guess i'll just bring it along with me to Japan.
Thanks girls!! Love ya all! And will miss ya all! xxoxoxoxoxx
(I'm looking at the pile of soft toys i'll be bringing over to Japan with me......)
Jinling refuses to write u a letter.. she say she will use her mouth.. maybe that's why she smiled so sweetly in that photo with you..
LOL !! No letter! But the sweet smile is worth it all~ ^_^ A picture say a thousand words.
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