Saturday, 25 April 2009

Electricity and Water don't mix

Electricity + water = disaster

it was 8:30pm at night. temperature is as low as 11 deg celsius.

Well...I wanted to pay my electrical bill for the month. So, i asked senpai to go along with me because i've no idea how to pay a bill at a convenience store. And so, i slipped the bill into my bag and got on the bicycle.

Then, on the way to our destination, i realized it was drizzling...then, big drops started falling...then, it turned into a shower.

And so, we reached 7-Eleven after about 5 mins in the rain. And as i reach to get my bill from my bag, it wasn't there! (I dropped it somewhere)

So...senpai and I had to walk our way back the way we came, in the rain and in the dark. We found it about halfway back.

And so...we took a drenched electricity bill to the store clerk at 7-Eleven, and she was really cute (funny) when i saw her face as she said "Arigatou gozaimasu" while we were leaving the store. Lol~ I wonder if she's gonna hang my bill out to dry.

Thank goodness a senpai was there to help me out. I'm grateful~ I just pray i don't fall sick from the rain. I'm having a headache, but maybe it's because i'm just sleepy. I shall sleep.


Unknown said...

Hahaha from the title I thought it would be u electrocuted something and cause it to spoil.. turns out to be a funny entry!

Beth Wong said...

hmph~ funny meh~? T_T hahaha~ yeah, looking back it is indeed funny. I'm forever so careless.